How do I sent in my print revisions?

Melissa Gaylord
Melissa Gaylord
  • Updated

Please review your proof and send over all your print revisions via email to


Photo Changes

Each photo frame has a letter associated with it. Please indicate your changes by specifying which photos you would like in which letters. Example: 



A: p2k.01.jpg
B: ptw.03.jpg
C: ptw.08jpg
D: ptw.20.jpg
E: p2k.10.jpg
F: p2k.17.jpg
G: p2k.21.jpg
H: p2k.30.jpg
I: p2k.51.jpg
J: p2k.55.jpg
K: as.01.jpg
L: as.10.jpg

Be sure to reference the photo service code (if you have more than one service such as aerial stills, twilight) 


Text Changes

  • Contact information
  • Property price
  • Review the title, and ensure that works for you
  • Send in your marketing text

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